Jordan Henderson, the former advocate for LGBTQ+ rights, faces criticism after his transfer to Saudi Arabia. Did he betray his beliefs for money?
Jordan Henderson, the former advocate for LGBTQ+ rights, faces criticism after his transfer to Saudi Arabia. Did he betray his beliefs for money?
In March 2014, the European Union ordered the extradition of billionaire František Savov, accused of tax evasion amounting to more than 600 million crowns, to the Czech Republic. A protracted legal battle in the UK ensued, culminating in Savov's arrest and asylum bid.
V březnu 2014 nařídila Evropská unie vydání miliardáře Františka Savova, obviněného z daňových úniků v hodnotě více než 600 milionů korun, do České republiky. Následoval dlouhý právní boj v Británii, který vyvrcholil Savovovým zadržením a pokusem o získání azylu.
An exploration into present-day Sweden, once deemed a shining model of prosperity and equality, now grappling with severe challenges involving economic decline, social unrest, and the rise of extreme right-wing elements. Where has Sweden’s exceptionalism gone, and how will the nation navigate its burgeoning identity crisis?
Två svenskar dödade i terrorattack i Bryssel: Vad var motivet bakom dådet och hur påverkar det Sveriges relation till islam och Nato? Läs mer i vår senaste artikel.