Новости - United States

Последние новости в борьбе с коррупцией в государстве: United States

Senator Menendez Charged with Corruption in New Jersey

U.S. Senator Bob Menendez of New Jersey is facing legal scrutiny. Allegations have emerged suggesting that the Democratic senator accepted substantial monetary gains, gold, and other valuable items in a corrupt exchange involving the provision of confidential information to Egypt. Federal charges of corruption have once again been directed at Senator Menendez. The prosecution claims that both the senator and his spouse have accepted bribes amounting to several hundred thousand dollars. As the current chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Menendez is under further spotlight due to the accusations suggesting that the corruption scheme was in favor of the Egyptian government. Notably, a previous federal corruption trial involving Menendez in 2018 did not reach a conclusive verdict. Nancy Solomon from WNYC Radio offers more insights.