Christian Lanng, a Danish billionaire and founder of the prominent IT company Tradeshift, is facing grave accusations. Recent reports have revealed that Lanng was dismissed from his role as CEO following allegations of misconduct and sexual offenses. His former assistant has accused him of keeping her as a sex slave.

Tradeshift, co-founded by Lanng and his Danish partners, is known for its cloud-based payment solutions and is headquartered in San Francisco, the heart of IT innovation. The company, valued at $2.7 billion in 2021, is now overshadowed by controversy.

The charges against Lanng stem from a detailed contract that the assistant was reportedly made to sign. The contract, submitted to a San Francisco court, explicitly outlines the conditions under which the assistant was to serve Lanng as a sexual slave. The document stipulates that the woman had to be "always sexually available" and could never refuse him sex, especially when wearing a specific slave collar.

According to the lawsuit, Lanng leveraged his position to coerce sexual services during and outside working hours. The woman further alleges that during business trips, she was subjected to sexual assaults not only by Lanng but also by other individuals.

In response to the allegations, Lanng denied all claims made by his former assistant. He stated that they were in a relationship when he employed her in 2014, which he claims did not violate company policies. He admitted that hiring her was irresponsible and expressed regret.